Understanding the IP Lead Role

The IP Lead is the key contact for infection prevention and control (IPC) in the facility. Infection prevention is essential to providing safe, high-quality care in aged care facilities. Aged care residents are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases, and outbreaks can significantly affect the health and well-being of residents, employees,...

Being a Hand Hygiene Champion

Hand hygiene is the first line of defense against infections spreading.  Every day this should be a priority in your work.   Good practice guidelines The IP Lead must follow good practices and champion the 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene to all employees, residents, visitors and contractors.  Provide access to information...

Providing IPC Education and Training

A large and vital part of the IP Lead role is IPC education and training. This can cover a wide range of topics such as Understanding infection  Improving hand hygiene practices  The importance of vaccinations   Roles and responsibilities during an outbreak  Expectations of your facility’s IPC education programme  Antimicrobial Stewardship ...

Communicating IPC Information Effectively

As an IP Lead it is essential to have effective communication skills in order to implement a robust IPC programme. Anxiety about infection within a facility is often based on lack of information resulting in misconceptions about the risks and the precautions that can be used to prevent transmission.   Education...

Understanding Surveillance of Infection

The IP Lead is responsible for the surveillance of healthcare associated infections in the facility. Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) are infections that develop while receiving health care. They can be caused by any bacteria, fungi, virus, parasite or prion.   Examples of microorganisms that cause HAIs include Pseudomonas spp., Enterobacterales spp.,...

Adopting a Multimodal Improvement Strategy

The IP Lead will use many different approaches to influence the behaviour of employees in order to facilitate better outcomes and contribute to positive change in the organisational culture.  Multimodal implementation strategies are a core component of effective IPC programmes and contribute to successful IPC strategies and quality improvement.  You...