Providing IPC Education and Training

A large and vital part of the IP Lead role is IPC education and training. This can cover a wide range of topics such as

Understanding infection 

Improving hand hygiene practices 

The importance of vaccinations  

Roles and responsibilities during an outbreak 

Expectations of your facility’s IPC education programme 

Antimicrobial Stewardship   

Initiatives to reduce antimicrobial use 


Planning education and training 

Questions to consider when developing education programmes include 

Who needs to be trained?  

How frequently should training occur? 

What training method/s should be used? 

How can you ensure IPC interventions will be implemented? 

Does the facility have trainers, training material, and the necessary equipment? 


Principles for education  

There’s a wide range of principles and theories that can guide the way you approach education and training among your employees. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you must always communicate a clear objective or purpose for any training that is provided. Adults like to know WHY they are being asked to do something.  

The role of the IP Lead is to facilitate learning and present

opportunities for employees to achieve the best possible outcomes.


Guidelines for Education and Training   

Involve employees in identifying their own needs to help prompt motivation  

Establish an effective learning climate, where employees feel safe and comfortable expressing themselves  

Support employees in carrying out their learning plans (supply both time and resources)   

Encourage employees to formulate their own learning goals to give them more control over their learning   

Encourage employees to find resources and devise strategies for using the resources to achieve their goals   

Ask employees to evaluate their own learning - this can develop the skill of critical reflection 

Involve employees in planning curricular content and training methods where possible