Utility Room

A utility room, or sluice room, is a designated working space within the facility, accessible for healthcare workers only. The utility room is a closed room that is appropriately equipped and used for  Sluicing, decontamination and storage of bedpans, urinals and bowls Testing and disposal of resident specimens Disposal of...

Catering Service

Cleanliness, safe food handling, hygiene precautions and maintenance are important in residential aged care to ensure infection prevention and control is maintained.  All food service employees must adhere to the Food Safety Australia/New Zealand Food Safety Standards. For further information and guidance, refer to your local, national, state or territory authority....


Hairdressers that attend residential aged care facilities help residents look and feel good about themselves. However, it's essential that they also adhere to good infection control practices to prevent infections from spreading. Personal Hygiene  Hairdressers must perform hand hygiene before and after attending to a resident as per the '5 Moments of...

Ice Machines

Some aged care facilities use ice-making machines, which, although convenient, can become contaminated with infectious organisms if not used or cleaned appropriately.  The following points must be considered Handling of Ice Wash hands before obtaining ice Do not use your hands to handle the ice Using a smooth-surface ice scoop...

Animals and Pet Therapy

Animals and pet therapy programmes help improve residents' quality of life by offsetting loneliness, helplessness and boredom. With the integration of animals and pet therapy into aged care facilities, it is vital that appropriate infection control measures are implemented to reduce the risk of infection. Although uncommon, animals within a...

Renovations and Construction

Infection prevention and control requirements are critical to the planning of a residential aged care facility and need to be incorporated into plans and specifications.  All areas of a facility should be designed, constructed, furnished and equipped to minimise the risk of transmission of infection. Facility layout should facilitate the application...