Safety Data Sheets for Cleaning

What is it? Exposure to chemicals may produce health effects that happen straight away, like poisoning and burns, or cause long-term health conditions, like nerve damage, lung damage, or cancer. Some chemicals can present a physical hazard, such as fires, explosions, and corrosion. Almost every hazardous chemical will require a Safety...

Cleaning of Hoist Slings

Hoist slings, also known as lifting slings, are an important asset when moving more dependent residents.  Slings come in many different styles, shapes, and sizes, and because they have close contact with the resident cleanliness and hygiene are important factors in their maintenance and in the prevention of infection.   ...

Management of Cleaning Services

Duty statements and cleaning schedules Duty statements should state all standard operating procedures, including cleaning methods, equipment, and cleaning chemicals.  Cleaning schedules are to be available, clearly identifying tasks and cleaning frequency. The cleaning schedules are to include day-to-day and maintenance cleaning.  Duty statements and cleaning schedules should be accessible to cleaning...

Cleaning Isolation | Infectious Rooms

When an infectious agent is suspected or identified in the residential aged care facility, residents may be required to isolate in individual rooms and/or zones. Employees should be notified and given clear instructions about management if isolation is required. Compliance with instructions is essential to protect residents, employees, and visitors....

Colour Coding for Cleaning

What is it?   Colour-coded cleaning was created to reduce the risk of cross-contamination when cleaning. It is the process of applying colours to cleaning cloths and cleaning equipment to reduce the spread of germs across various areas. Items to be colour-coded include mops, buckets, cleaning cloths, and microfibre cleaning...

Hand Hygiene for Cleaning Staff

What is it? Hand hygiene is a general term referring to any hand cleansing action.  Effective hand hygiene includes Applying an alcohol-based hand rub/sanitiser to the surface of hands (liquids, gels, and foams) OR Washing hands with the use of water and soap or a soap solution, either non-antimicrobial or...