Managing Waste
Waste segregation and safe work practices are required to minimise the risks associated with waste handling. Correct waste segregation ensures that hazardous waste is not placed in the wrong system.
Waste segregation and handling
PPE must always be worn when handling waste
Waste must be contained in colour coded, labelled plastic bags
Sharps are to be placed immediately into suitable sharps containers which meet the required standards
Once an item/object has been placed in a waste bag, it should not be removed. There should be no double handling of waste
Waste bags must not be overfilled (approximately 2/3 capacity), and excess air should be released, without compaction, prior to closure, the bag should be closed using a bag tie at the point of waste generation
All waste bags should be held away from the body by the closed top of the bag and placed directly into a mobile garbage bin/wheelie bin or trolley
Mobile garbage bins/wheelie bins and trolleys should be used when transporting waste to decrease spills, minimise collector contact with waste, and minimise manual handling
Trolleys and mobile garbage bins/wheelie bins must be dedicated to collecting waste and must be made of rigid material, as well as being lidded, lockable (if used for storage), leakproof and washable
Bins and trolleys should be labelled according to the type of waste contained in them, cleaned regularly, and must never be overfilled
Waste storage
Waste bags that are sealed and awaiting collection should be stored in a secure place with restricted access
Health facilities must provide an enclosed fenced area or separate loading bay to store waste
The holding area should be located away from food and clean storage areas
Only waste is to be stored in this area
The area must be locked and not accessible to the public
Cleaning trolleys and bins
Appropriate PPE should be worn when cleaning bins and trolleys
Rinse trolleys and/or bins with cold water, then wash with warm water and neutral detergent
Trolleys and mobile garbage bins/wheelie bins should then be drained into the sewer and left to dry
Clean trolleys and bins should be stored separately in soiled containers
Wastewater may only be diverted into the sewer
Clinical waste spills
Refer to the facility's Emergency Management Plan to address clinical waste spills. Make sure you know where the clinical waste spill kit is located. The kit should contain
A broom, pan and scraper, mop and bucket
A large (10 litre) reusable plastic container or bucket fitted with a lid containing:
Two clinical waste bags
General-purpose utility or heavy-duty rubber gloves
Detergent, sponges, and disposable cloths
Personal protective equipment - eye protection, waterproof apron or gown, face mask, heavy-duty gloves
Incident report form (unless computerised) and a waste spill sign
After use, the spill kit contents must be refilled after use and the kit must be checked regularly for missing and/or expired items