Why is AMS important?

Residents of aged care facilities experience higher rates of infection than other people. They have higher rates of antimicrobial use than the general population and may have multiple risk factors that lead to developing antimicrobial resistance.   The role of AMS Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programmes have been shown to decrease...

Challenges in AMS

The implementation of an Anti-microbial Stewardship (AMS) programme in residential aged care facilities can be a challenge.  This could be due to several contributing factors such as  Resident and/or family's expectations and understanding of AMS Culture and change management issues Healthcare workers' experience, training and understanding of AMS Lack of...

Surveillance in AMS

What is it? Surveillance in AMS means observing and monitoring the effectiveness of the AMS programme.  Using monitoring tools helps improve the quality of AMS by measuring, monitoring, and comparing the AMS programme's effectiveness. Monitoring tools allow evaluation of progress in meeting antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention goals. Data provided by monitoring...

Governance in AMS

Governance in antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) is part of the quality improvement system to prevent and control infections and to support the AMS programme and sustainable infection prevention control resources.   Leadership and commitment by management in a residential aged care facility will assist the engagement of all key stakeholders Key...