Being a Hand Hygiene Champion

Hand hygiene is the first line of defense against infections spreading.  Every day this should be a priority in your work.


Good practice guidelines

The IP Lead must follow good practices and champion the 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene to all employees, residents, visitors and contractors.  Provide access to information and training about the importance of hand hygiene as a standard precaution.

Hand washing involves mechanically removing microorganisms from hands with plain liquid (i.e. non-antimicrobial) soap and water. This should be done when hands are visibly dirty, visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids, and after going to the bathroom.

Hand decontamination involves removal of microorganisms using alcohol-based hand sanitiser or rub (ABHS). Use ABHS for all clinical situations where hands are not visibly soiled.

5 Moments for Hand Hygiene

Make sure all employees and visitors implement this approach to minimise the risk of transmission of microorganisms.


When to perform hand hygiene

After going to the toilet

After sneezing or coughing into hands or tissue, or touching their face or hair

After handling contaminated material

After handling waste

Before handling the resident's food

Hand Hygiene equipment

Equipment should be placed at key sites around the facility in order to ensure that hand hygiene is done at the right times.  Make sure there are enough supplies and resources to keep everyone safe.