The Hierarchy of Controls in Practice

The IP Lead can use the Hierarchy of Controls to help and support the IPC work.  Examples of the controls are as follows Elimination and substitution are best used in the design or development of a process as they can be difficult and expensive actions to adapt into an existing...

Understanding Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT)

The IP Lead needs to understand the importance of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) in detecting and managing COVID-19 and knowing when and how to collect a sample in order to inform residents and employees. What is it?  A Rapid antigen test (RAT) is a diagnostic tool widely used to detect...

IP Lead and Visitors during an Outbreak

An important part of the IP Lead role is providing education and information to visitors so that they can continue to enter the facility during an outbreak.  Although strict infection control measures are required, it is essential to acknowledge the important advantages ongoing visitor access can provide to residents. By...

The Role of IPC Leads in Caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Residents

The IPC Lead plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) elders in aged residential care settings, respecting their cultural identity and addressing their specific health needs. ATSI elders present a unique set of challenges that require culturally sensitive and holistic approaches. To...