IP Lead and Visitors during an Outbreak

An important part of the IP Lead role is providing education and information to visitors so that they can continue to enter the facility during an outbreak.  Although strict infection control measures are required, it is essential to acknowledge the important advantages ongoing visitor access can provide to residents.

By involving residents and their families in the outbreak planning process, you can ensure that visitors are knowledgeable about the necessary precautions while promoting the well-being of residents and maintaining a safe and supportive environment during outbreaks. The following IPC points should be addressed

Outbreak Planning: As part of outbreak planning, discuss visiting options with residents and their families to inform and educate them about the necessary precautions to safeguard their well-being during an outbreak. This discussion should also encompass cultural considerations related to visiting.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Instruct visitors on the proper use of PPE, such as masks, gloves, gowns, and face shields. They should understand when and how to wear them correctly to minimise the risk of transmission.

Hand Hygiene: Emphasise the importance of frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitisers with at least 60% alcohol content. Visitors should be encouraged to practice good hand hygiene before and after their visit.

Respiratory Etiquette: Inform visitors about the importance of covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow when coughing or sneezing and emphasise the proper disposal of used tissues and immediate hand hygiene afterwards.

Physical Distancing: Explain the need to maintain a safe physical distance from residents, employees and other visitors to minimise the risk of transmission. Provide guidance on maintaining a distance of at least one meter (three feet) during the visit.

Symptom Screening: Inform visitors about the importance of self-assessment for any symptoms of illness before their visit. If they experience symptoms such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, they should refrain from visiting until they have consulted a healthcare professional.

Visitor Limits: Discuss any restrictions on the number of visitors or the duration of visits to ensure compliance with infection control measures. This may involve implementing a booking system or scheduling specific visitation slots.

Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection: Enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols will be in place to maintain a safe environment, so visitors should know that certain areas may be temporarily closed for cleaning purposes.

Cultural Considerations: Recognise and respect cultural differences regarding visiting practices. Engage in open and respectful conversations with residents and their families to understand their specific cultural needs and preferences related to visiting during an outbreak. Adapt visiting protocols accordingly while still prioritising infection control.