Setting Up Clear Roles

The IP Lead is responsible for allocating infection prevention and control tasks to employees.

Each task should be allocated according to the employee’s individual strengths and their position in the facility and should be clearly communicated to each employee.  A lack of clear roles can create an ineffective working environment and employees may feel they can leave a task to someone else as they are not solely responsible. 

The key is to make sure everyone is aware of what they, as individuals, are responsible and accountable for, and aware of the accountabilities and responsibilities of other members of the team. 


Steps to creating clear roles 

First, it's important to find the gaps. Do an audit of the current situation to determine the following 


What isn’t being done?  

What is being done by multiple people that only needs to be done by one? 

Which areas are causing confusion for employees? 


Second, fill the gaps using the RACI model 


Responsible: who is/should be responsible for carrying out the task?             

Accountable: who is ultimately accountable for the completion of the task?  

Consult: who should be consulted before and during the task? 

Inform: who is the progress of the project/task reported to? 


Third, communicate with your team 


Effective communication is the foundation of a healthy working environment as it creates transparency and openness related to daily tasks and requirements. Use the RACI model to help communicate individual roles related to IPC. This establishes clear lines of reporting and accountability so that employees are clear about what needs to be done. 


Finally, provide education and training 


When assigning roles, it's important to ensure that employees are able to complete the tasks set for them. Tailored IPC training is vital if employees are to feel motivated and clear in their roles and for them to undertake these tasks to a high standard.

The IP Lead has a responsibility to bridge the gap between where employees are currently, and where they need to be, in order to implement a quality IPC programme.