Adopting a Multimodal Improvement Strategy

The IP Lead will use many different approaches to influence the behaviour of employees in order to facilitate better outcomes and contribute to positive change in the organisational culture. 

Multimodal implementation strategies are a core component of effective IPC programmes and contribute to successful IPC strategies and quality improvement.  You can use them to initiate change, improve compliance and achieve success, linking them with the aims and initiatives of accreditation bodies at national and facility levels.  


Five key elements to focus on when improving IPC  

The WHO identifies five elements for IPC multimodal strategies in a healthcare context. These elements implemented in an integrated way will guide action and provide a clear focus.  All five areas should be considered, and necessary action taken, based on the local context and situation informed by periodic assessments.  


1.  The system change needed to enable IPC practices, including infrastructure, equipment, supplies, and other resources  

2.  Training and education to improve employee knowledge  

3.  Monitoring and feedback to assess the situation, drive change and document practice improvement  

4.  Reminders and communications to promote the desired actions, at the right time, including campaigns 

5.  A culture of safety that values intervention, with a focus on involving senior managers, champions, or role models