Medical Conditions Affecting Susceptibility

What is it? Sometimes employees will have or develop conditions that make them more susceptible to infections.  Facilities need to assist employees who experience circumstances that place them at greater risk of infection by developing management plans that ensure their well-being. Where a healthcare worker is known to be particularly...

Healthcare Workers with Bloodborne Viruses

Healthcare workers known to be infected with a bloodborne virus (BBV) may require supervision of and support for, their professional activity in relation to performing exposure-prone procedures (EPPs), any physical or psychological impairment, and opportunities for re-training. All residents and healthcare workers have the right to protection from healthcare-acquired infections,...

COVID-19 Vaccination

What is it? Most people infected with COVID-19 experience mild or moderate symptoms. Fever and cough are the most commonly reported symptoms.    However, in more severe cases, breathing difficulties are reported, and COVID-19 can develop into pneumonia.   The original COVID-19 virus has had many variants since it was...

Procedure after Accidental Splash to Mouth or Eyes

What is it? Blood or body substance incidents are one of the leading causes of occupational hazards for healthcare workers, as they carry the risk of contamination with HIV, HBV (hepatitis B), and HCV (hepatitis C).  To minimise the risk of spread of infection, all blood and body substances should...