COVID-19 Vaccination

What is it?

Most people infected with COVID-19 experience mild or moderate symptoms. Fever and cough are the most commonly reported symptoms. 


However, in more severe cases, breathing difficulties are reported, and COVID-19 can develop into pneumonia.


The original COVID-19 virus has had many variants since it was first discovered, with some being labelled by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a 'variant of concern'.  A variant of concern is one that may change how the pandemic behaves, so the WHO pays close attention to it.


Vaccination Programme

Protection through vaccination will help to protect families and communities from the impacts of COVID-19, including serious illness, death, and complications for workplace resourcing.

Vaccination continues to be important in managing the risk related to COVID-19 in high-risk settings such as residential aged care.

Healthcare workers are strongly encouraged to stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination to aid in protection against both infection and severe disease for themselves, their families, and the people they care for.

Some jurisdictions have working requirements in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations. Aged care workers and providers should stay updated with the current guidelines in their jurisdiction.


Check current advice via the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care or the New Zealand Ministry of Health.