Employee Vaccinations and Screening


To protect residents and employees from vaccine-preventable diseases, a comprehensive occupational vaccination programme should be implemented, which includes

A vaccination policy

Maintenance of current employee vaccination records

Provision of information about the relevant vaccine-preventable diseases

The management of vaccine refusal

The risk management of unvaccinated staff should also consider the transmission of disease to vulnerable residents

Pre-employment vaccination and vaccination screening to assist with the process of identifying and managing associated risks


Consideration may need to be given to employees with contraindications to receiving any of the recommended vaccinations.


Vaccinations recommended for healthcare workers

To determine the level of risk and vaccine requirements, it is more accurate to consider work activities rather than position titles. In addition to the recommended vaccines listed below, all adults should be up-to-date with age-appropriate scheduled vaccines. 

Both the Australian and New Zealand Immunisation Handbooks recommend the following vaccinations for all healthcare workers and students directly caring for residents or handling human tissue, blood, or body fluids

Hepatitis B

MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella)

Pertussis (dTpa (diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis))

Varicella (chicken pox)




In addition, the hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for the following healthcare workers

Those who work in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Those who work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, or Western Australia

Others as specified in state and territory legislation

Australia only:  Consider BCG (bacilli Calmette-Guerin) vaccine for those healthcare workers who may be at increased risk of exposure to drug-resistant tuberculosis in accordance with state and territory guidelines.



See updated information on COVID-19 vaccinations


Evidence of vaccination/immunity

Healthcare workers are required to provide documented evidence of vaccination/immunity, and the facility will keep records of this.  Documented evidence may include the following

Records of vaccines given, which should include date and vaccine batch number, and signed by either the medical officer or vaccinator

Copy of AIR (Australian Immunisation Record) report where available or report obtained from primary healthcare provider detailing vaccination/immunity records

Copy of pathology report or signed certificate by a medical officer where relevant

See https://www.immune.org.nz/factsheets/occupation-related-immunisation for more details.


Vaccination screening

The following table outlines the required documentation to be provided as evidence of vaccination coverage when screening staff.

Vaccine Screening notes
Hepatitis B Documented evidence of the history of age-appropriate course hepatitis B vaccine
AND Anti-HBs >10mIU/mL
OR Documented evidence of antiHBc, indicating past hepatitis B infection, or HBsAg+
Influenza Documented evidence of one dose of current seasonal influenza vaccine
Serology is not accepted
2 doses of MMR vaccine at least one month apart
OR Positive lgG for measles, mumps, and rubella
OR Birthdate before 1966 (1969 in NZ)
One adult dose of dTpa vaccine within the past 10 years Serology is not accepted
ADT vaccine is not accepted
(Chicken Pox)
2 doses of varicella vaccine at least one month apart
OR positive lgG for varicella
Tuberculosis (TB)
Refer to individual state and territory guidelines (only available in NZ for specific at-risk groups)
Covid-19 Refer to national, state, and territory guidelines


Healthcare workers who do not meet the above requirements should be referred to a Doctor or primary healthcare vaccinator for review, catch-up vaccinations, or evidence of exemption.

Access The Australian Immunisation Handbook or the NZ Immunisation Handbook (2022) for further details.