Treatment of RSV

If an RSV infection has been identified

• Assess pain 

• Administer medications to relieve symptoms, if required and prescribed

• Monitor breathing, check vital observations 4-hourly and auscultate lungs 

• Check for laboured breathing, cyanosis, and cold and clammy skin

• Coughing and deep breathing should be encouraged, educate on holding the sternum when coughing 

• Place the resident in a semi-fowler's position to facilitate breathing and lung expansion

• Encourage or assist in changing the resident's position often and encourage ambulation as tolerated to prevent secretions from accumulating 

• Monitor and record the sputum colour, consistency, and amount

• Encourage fluids 

• Prevent transmission by implementing standard and transmission-based precautions

• Isolate 

• Educate on hand washing and correct disposal of secretions to prevent infection from spreading


The symptoms of mild RSV infections will subside within a week or two without treatment. Over-the-counter medications may assist in managing mild symptoms. The resident needs to maintain comfort and stay hydrated. Hydration assistance may require intravenous (IV) fluids, and administrating oxygen supplementation may be necessary if saturation decreases below 94%.