Treatment of Influenza

If influenza (flu) infection has been identified, refer symptoms to the registered nurse


Nursing Care

Assess pain

Administer alternative interventions or medications to relieve pain and symptoms

Monitor breathing, check vital observations 4hourly and auscultate lungs 

Check for laboured breathing, cyanosis, cold and clammy skin

Coughing and deep breathing should be encouraged, educate on holding the sternum when coughing 

Place the resident in a semi-fowler's position to facilitate breathing and lung expansion

Encourage or assist in changing the resident's position often and encourage ambulation as tolerated to prevent secretions from accumulating

Monitor and record the sputum colour, consistency, and amount

Encourage fluids 

Educate on hand washing and disposal of secretions properly to prevent infection from spreading

Prevent transmission by implementing standard and transmission-based precautions



Antiviral drugs may be a treatment option for people at risk of influenza complications. This includes people who are young, elderly, pregnant, asthmatic, diabetic, have heart conditions, and other medical conditions. Antiviral medications are most effective when taken 1-2 days after symptoms appear and can reduce symptoms and shorten the time of sickness.

Vaccination is recommended.