Setting Up the Laundry

Laundry Environment

The laundry must have two clearly designated zones: dirty and clean.

Two doorways should be available, with dirty laundry entering through one door to the dirty area and clean laundry exiting through the other door at the end of the clean area. If the environment structure does not allow two doorways, then dirty and clean zones must be clearly defined and marked within the laundry, ensuring no mixing of dirty and clean laundry across zones.

A designated handwash basin should be available equipped with handwash solution and paper towels. This basin must not be used for anything other than handwashing. A suitable location for the basin would be a transit zone between the dirty and clean areas. Hand hygiene posters are to be displayed in the laundry.

Alcohol-based hand rub/sanitiser should also be placed in all areas to encourage employees to perform regular hand hygiene.

Employee lockers, changing, and bathroom facilities are to be in a separate area from the laundry. Personal items are not to be stored in the laundry.

The laundry premises is to be vermin-proofed. Flyscreens must be provided in the sorting, dirty and clean linen storage areas.

Dirty Area

There needs to be a dedicated storage area for dirty laundry trolleys that must never be taken into the clean area.

Clean Area

The sorting, folding, and storage of clean laundry is only to be done in the clean area.

There needs to be a dedicated storage area for clean laundry trolleys. They must never be taken into the dirty area or used for dirty linen.