Safe Use of Chemicals for Cleaning
Chemical agents are regularly used in cleaning processes. It is essential that the principles of safe chemical use are adhered to.
Guidelines for safe chemical use
Before use
Only use approved chemicals
Only use the appropriate chemical for the task being undertaken
Wear PPE as required/instructed when handling chemicals
Do not take products from home to use
Preparing chemicals
Chemicals must be prepared and used according to the manufacturer's instructions only
Do not over-dilute chemicals, as they will not be as effective, and microorganisms may not be removed or reduced to the expected level
Diluted chemicals are to be used within the timeframe advised by the manufacturer
Do not use stronger chemicals than instructed, as this may harm employees and others
Decanted solutions must not be returned to the original container due to possible contamination
Decanted solutions must not be topped up with old solutions, as they may be contaminated/weakened over time
Reusable containers must be designated as being reusable and approved for use
Reusable containers must be correctly labelled and meet relevant health and safety guidelines
Refer to the chemical manufacturer for guidance and supply of appropriate containers
Reusable containers are to be washed and dried between uses
Chemicals must be stored in a designated secure area