Preparing Isolation Rooms
Isolation of a resident needs to be initiated promptly as soon as the need is recognised or suspected.
Notify the manager or nominated person in charge when
A resident is suspected of having an infection or infectious disease
A risk assessment needs to be done to determine IP&C management
Employee Considerations
Eating or drinking in the vicinity of an isolation room is strictly forbidden
Consider the need for dedicated healthcare workers to be allocated to caring for the affected resident(s)
Check with the infection prevention and control (IPC) lead for precautions regarding immunisation and consider the immunity status of employees; for example, residents with shingles should not be cared for by healthcare workers who have not had immunisation or have no immunity to varicella (chicken pox)
Employees with infections or non-intact skin should seek advice before caring for the resident
Consider any special requirements for employees who are pregnant. If there are any doubts, discuss them with the medical staff. For example, residents with shingles should not be cared for by pregnant healthcare workers.
Preparing The Room
If airborne precautions are required, a room from which air does not circulate to other areas is needed. Consideration must be given regarding air conditioner circulation and the ability to use mechanical ventilation. The door to the room is to be closed.
Equipment For Setting Up The Room
The equipment required varies depending on the micro-organism's transmission route; e.g., masks are only needed for additional respiratory airborne or droplet isolation. Remember that standard precautions are to be applied at all times to all residents and any specific isolation precautions.
Outside The Room
Disposable waterproof gowns/aprons (refer to standard precautions)
Disposable medical examination gloves (unsterile)
Masks, if required (surgical masks or high filtration N95/P2 masks as needed)
Eye protection (goggles and face shields, as required)
Linen and linen bags/alginate bags
Waste receptacles, as required
Signage should be placed outside the room
Inside The Room
Only take essential equipment into the room (limited to a 24-hour supply)
Refrain from taking resident charts and medical notes into the room
Alcohol-based hand rub/sanitiser
Linen skip, linen bags, dissolvable/alginate thread bags
General waste bin and plastic liners
Clinical waste container and yellow clinical waste bags (if required)
Yellow sharps container (if needed)
Vomit bowl (if needed)
Bedpan, urinal, and wash bowl if required (Note: if these items are taken into the room, they must not be left standing on the floor, sink, or chairs. Clean after each use and store in the resident's room/locker)
General waste bin and plastic liners
Recreational material that can be decontaminated or discarded at the termination of isolation