Personal Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Residents

Providing personal care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) residents requires a deep appreciation and respect for their cultural heritage. While maintaining infection prevention and control standards, integrating their customs, values and language into caregiving will help create an environment promoting healing, comfort and belonging.  

ATSI elders are greatly respected in their communities and demonstrating the same respect when providing care will help them to trust and engage in infection prevention and control procedures.

Here are some considerations for providing personal care

Respect and Trust: ATSI elders are highly esteemed in their communities, so showing them respect and honour is vital. Encourage ATSI residents and their community to engage in all aspects of care, decision-making, and infection prevention and control practices. 

Inclusive Care: Encourage ATSI residents and their community to actively participate in decision-making, infection prevention, and control practices. Involving them in the process will help foster a sense of ownership and understanding.

Communication: Provide information about infection prevention in a respectful way and control in a manner that aligns with their cultural values and belief systems. Taking the time to understand the resident's perspective and working in partnership to provide culturally safe care.

Language and Translators: Use language that ATSI elders can easily understand. Utilise translators to ensure clear communication about standard and transmission-based precautions, such as hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), and isolation.

Traditional Healing Practices: Acknowledge and support any traditional healing practices that ATSI elders may prefer. It is essential to find a balance between respecting their cultural practices and adhering to infection prevention and control protocols.

Understanding Non-Verbal Cues: In Aboriginal culture, silence and non-verbal cues may play a significant role in communication. Be attentive to these cues, as elders may express themselves differently than in mainstream society.

Combining infection prevention and control measures with cultural sensitivity can create an environment that promotes healing, comfort, and a sense of belonging for ATSI elders.