Outbreak Equipment/Kit

Each residential aged care facility should have an outbreak kit available in preparation for and when an outbreak occurs. All relevant employees should know where the kit/equipment is stored, including after-hours employees, as an outbreak may occur at any time. If items for the kit are in more than one location, clearly document this on the outbreak kit. Clearly label the kit for specific use for outbreak management only and regularly check to ensure all items are included and not outdated.


Outbreak Kit Includes

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Fluid-repellent surgical masks

P2/N95 High Filtration masks

Gloves (nitrile)

Gowns (long-sleeved, fluid-repellent)


Face shields and goggles

Adequate supplies of liquid hand soap and alcohol-based hand rub/sanitiser

Cleaning and Waste Management Supplies

Detergent TGA-approved disinfectant and or 2-in-1 product detergent and disinfectant

Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) that can be made up to a strength of 1000ppm

Single-use colour-coded cloths for various tasks

Linen bags

Alginate bags

Waste containers and required waste bags, including hazardous waste bags

Communication Resources

Communication templates for residents and nominated representative person and or other persons as identified

Resources For The Outbreak Coordination Team

Documentation templates

Copy of outbreak management plan

Gastroenteritis outbreak resources

Influenza outbreak resources

COVID-19 outbreak resources 

Any other relevant state/territory resources as identified

Notifiable Details

List of residential facility employees to be immediately contacted on the identification of an outbreak

Contact information for relevant public health authority 

Doctor contact list

Pathology provider

Documentation Templates

Tracking form for recording symptomatic residents and employees, to be updated daily, including onset date and time, symptoms, room number, and contacts

Relevant specimen tracking form

Relevant handouts and posters

Specimen Collection Equipment

Pathology request forms

Specimen jars, swabs, etc

Disposable spatulas

Pathology specimen bags

Designated pathology fridge (location)