Māori Residents: Post-outbreak Cleaning of Possessions

When undertaking outbreak cleaning, it is important to recognise and honour the cultural needs and values of our Māori residents while fulfilling the infection prevention and control requirements. 

Depending on the type of outbreak, it may be necessary to clean and/or disinfect residents' personal possessions. Discussing and explaining the need for cleaning or decontamination before starting the process is essential.

If a Māori resident possesses taonga (treasures and possessions that have more than sentimental value) that require cleaning or disinfecting, obtain the resident's consent before handling or removing any taonga.

Examples of taonga works include haka, karakia, waiata, weavings, carvings, tā moko and designs.

Give the resident or their whānau the option of removing and cleaning the taonga, with appropriate instructions on IPC decontamination requirements. 

Giving the whānau the option of caring for any taonga, i.e., keeping it in their own home rather than at the facility.