Medical Records and Administration

Business and administration employees may be both directly and indirectly involved in infection prevention and control strategies in residential aged care.  Reception employees are often the first to see visitors entering the facility, and, as such, they will need to enforce the required infection prevention and control protocols, which are current at the time.  This may involve asking visitors to wear appropriate PPE or to perform hand hygiene before moving further into the facility.


Keep medical records, reception, and business areas clean and free from dust at all times

Waste bins must be emptied daily and as necessary

Food or drink is not to be consumed in office areas 


Administration employees must observe all infection prevention and control protocols relevant to their working areas

All employees should observe a high standard of personal hygiene while working in clinical and non-clinical areas

Alcohol-based hand rub/sanitiser or nearby washing facilities should be readily accessible to all

Shared items such as communal phones and resident files need to be cleaned after use

High-risk shared items should be cleaned before and after use using the two-step cleaning process


Documents containing identifying information, including resident files, contact details, referral letters, or line listings during outbreaks, should be kept confidential private, and secure

No documents with any identifying information should be left visible or accessible to the general public