What is it?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. There are many types of coronaviruses that cause respiratory infections. Various diseases can cause the same symptoms as COVID-19, from the common cold to more severe pneumonia.


What are the symptoms?



Sore throat

Shortness of breath

Runny nose or congestion

Headache or fatigue

Muscle or joint pains

Nausea or loss of appetite

Diarrhoea or vomiting

Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste



In most cases, the virus spreads from person to person by

Being exposed to an infectious agent

By breathing in droplets from an infected person

By touching the mouth or face after touching objects or surfaces that have droplets on them from an infected person



Rapid antigen tests (RAT) can be initiated to determine if COVID-19 is present. Recommended best practice to ensure the correct diagnosis is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) swab collected from the throat and nose of a resident who has symptoms or is possibly infected with the virus. The registered nurse can initiate RAT and PCR tests. Inform the Doctor of the tests undertaken so the results can confirm the resident's diagnosis.


Outbreak definition

Two or more residents of a residential care facility who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 via RAT or PCR test within five days of each other and have been onsite at the residential care facility at any time during their infectious period; or

Five or more employees, visitors, and or residents of the residential aged care facility diagnosed with COVID-19, through RAT or PCR tests, within the past seven days who worked/visited during their infectious period.


An outbreak needs to be reported to the public health unit.  Commence a spreadsheet, including

Names of the residents or staff that have symptoms

Date of onset of symptoms

Type of symptoms

When the symptoms resolve