Cleaning Influenza Outbreak

Cleaning requirements in an influenza outbreak include

PPE Required


N95/P2 respirator mask

Disposable long-sleeve gown

Face shield or eye protection 


Detergents and disinfectants 

Use only cleaning items and equipment designated YELLOW for cleaning the isolation rooms

Yellow hazard bags 

NB: The residential aged care facility will provide a safety data sheet on the detergents and disinfectants to be used and how to use them.

How To Clean Surfaces 

2-Step Clean 

1) Clean with detergent

2) Clean with disinfectant


2-in-1 Clean and Disinfection

1) Clean with a combined detergent/disinfectant product

Frequency of Cleaning 

Frequently touched surfaces (twice daily) 

Minimally touched surfaces (once daily)

Clean the visibly dusty or dirty surfaces and fittings as soon as possible 

Clean spills immediately

Shared workspaces should be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each employee's use

Terminal Cleaning Steps

Terminal clean rooms used by residents, post isolation, transfer, post-death, or discharge, to remove the infecting microbes. 

1) Wear PPE 

2) Remove curtains and bed screens and take them for laundering; curtain hooks must be washed thoroughly with detergent and warm water, then dried thoroughly

3) Clean horizontal surfaces that may collect dust, such as wardrobe tops, shelves, sills, and light fittings

4) Clean walls

5) Clean bathroom fittings

6) Clean windows and mirrors using window cleaner

7) Wipe blind and allow to dry thoroughly before rolling up

8) Tie (yellow) the clinical waste bag securely

9) Place all used clothes in the yellow clinical waste bag

10) Colour-coded (yellow) mop head must be placed in the yellow clinical waste bag, labeled, and tied securely for collection and laundering

11) Clean, dry, and store the yellow bucket upside down; wipe the mop handle with neutral detergent diluted or according to the manufacturer's instructions

12) Remove PPE except for mask and place them into a clinical waste bag before leaving the room to reduce opportunities for cross-contamination

13) Wash hands thoroughly after removing protective clothing

14) Remove the mask outside the room and dispose of it in the clinical waste

15) In fresh PPE, re-hang clean curtains once completing the final clean

16) Remove PPE and perform hand hygiene