Athletes foot

What is it? 


Athletes foot, or tinea pedis, is a fungal infection of the skin of the feet. Infection can occur anywhere on the feet, but tinea pedis usually occurs between the toes.


What are the symptoms? 


Signs and symptoms may include


Scaly, peeling, or cracked skin between the toes


A red, purple, or gray rash may be present

A sensation of burning or stinging

Blisters containing a thin watery fluid

An area of dried, scaly skin underneath the foot that may extend up the side

One or both feet can be affected




Athletes foot tinea fungus can be contracted by direct contact with an infected person or by touching contaminated surfaces, infected shedded skin may remain infectious on carpet or matting for years. Warm, moist environments are ideal for the growth of the fungus.




An assessment is usually sufficient to diagnose athletes foot. Although in some cases, a skin scraping may be requested.