Leading an AMS Programme

The IP Lead has an essential role to play in Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) through implementing best practice in policy development and implementation in order to reduce the risk of MRO/MDROs and the effect they can have on residents’ health.  


IP Lead's Role in AMS 

The IP Lead will support the facility management team in the development and implementation of a robust AMS programme by 


Undertaking a facility AMS situational analysis to identify what is in place and what gaps in the programme are present   

Collect available data on antimicrobial consumption and/or use, prescription audits and surveillance data   

Review existing AMS competencies at the facility   


Establish a sustainable AMS programme based on existing structures 

Develop a facility AMS action plan that specifies the human and financial resources required  

Prioritise the health-care facility core elements based on the situational analysis by identifying the immediate priorities 

Identify AMS interventions 

Structure AMS responsibilities by identifying which employees are suited to which tasks 


Implement AMS interventions   

Offer basic and continued educational resources and training on optimised antibiotic prescribing 


Monitor and evaluate AMS interventions, adjusting the AMS programme as an when needed