Outbreak Management: Honouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Culture

During an outbreak, respecting the culture of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) residents must be balanced with the infection prevention and control protocols. Including community members and elders in the outbreak management planning process will improve the chances of managing outbreaks successfully.

To ensure everyone knows what they should do, materials and resources must be provided in a language that can be understood by our residents and their community, e.g., leaflets, posters, communications, etc. This will help to foster trust, compliance, and resilience.

It may be necessary to adapt the facility's practices regarding isolation measures to align with ATSI residents' cultural practices. This can only be done by working closely with the resident and their community to develop solutions that prioritise the importance of their culture, especially family connections and support networks.

Restricting the movement of residents and visitors within the facility assists in reducing transmission, so careful and clear explanations of the outbreak requirements are required to enable essential visitors during an outbreak.

Respecting and supporting ATSI cultural practices during an outbreak can contribute to the overall well-being of the facility, and this may include facilitating access to cultural practitioners who can provide spiritual guidance and support.

Considerations for care of our ATSI elders during an outbreak.

Understanding Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity acknowledges the unique cultural identity, beliefs, and practices of ATSI communities. Recognising the diversity within these communities is essential as it helps healthcare providers adapt their infection prevention strategies to better suit the specific needs and customs of ATSI elders.

Communicating Effectively

Effective communication is the foundation of cultural sensitivity. Healthcare providers should prioritise using interpreters or bilingual staff to ensure clear and accurate information dissemination. ATSI elders should understand the importance of infection prevention measures, such as handwashing, wearing masks, and maintaining physical distance in their language and culture.

Respecting Traditional Healing Practices

Traditional healing practices are deeply embedded in ATSI culture and can complement Western medical approaches. Healthcare providers need to respect and support the use of these practices while also providing guidance on how to incorporate them safely alongside modern infection prevention measures.

Infection Prevention and Control Measures

Incorporating specific infection prevention and control measures helps minimise the risk of spreading infectious diseases among ATSI elders.

Hygiene Practices

Encouraging regular handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is crucial to prevent the transmission of pathogens. Additionally, providing alcohol-based hand sanitisers can be helpful, especially in situations where handwashing facilities are not readily available.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Healthcare providers and caregivers should wear appropriate PPE, such as masks, gloves, and gowns when in close contact with ATSI elders to prevent the transmission of infections. Educating elders about the importance of wearing masks in crowded places can also be beneficial.

Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection

Frequent cleaning and disinfection of frequently-touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, handrails, and communal areas, can reduce the risk of infection. Using disinfectants that are effective against the specific virus causing the outbreak is vital.

Physical Distancing

While physical distancing may be challenging in close-knit communities, it remains an important preventive measure during an outbreak. Providing alternatives to in-person gatherings, such as virtual meetings or events, can help maintain social connections while reducing the risk of transmission.

Additional Information


Encouraging ATSI elders to receive recommended vaccinations is essential in enhancing their protection against infectious diseases.

Early Detection and Testing

Promoting awareness of common symptoms and the importance of seeking medical attention early on is crucial. Ensure access to culturally appropriate information regarding the reasons for testing procedures and the benefits of early detection in maintain their safety and the safety of others

Mental Health Support

Fear and anxiety may affect ATSI elders' mental well-being during an outbreak. Providing culturally sensitive mental health support to address their emotional needs is crucial.

Combining infection prevention and control measures with cultural sensitivity is fundamental in safeguarding the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders during an outbreak. By respecting their cultural practices and adapting preventive strategies accordingly, we can create an environment that promotes healing, comfort, and a sense of belonging. Collaborative efforts between healthcare providers, community leaders, and elders themselves are essential in protecting the health and well-being of these valued members of society.