PPE when taking a PCR Test

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test detects genetic material from a pathogen or abnormal cell.  Samples for testing can be nasal swab, saliva swab or blood test.  

Nasal PCR swab tests are commonly used to check for COVID-19 but can also be used to test for influenza or RSV.  Whatever the reason for the test, the same infection control precautions should be used including appropriate PPE.

Precautions and PPE

A risk assessment should be carried out before taking the swab, i.e. is the resident coughing, can they cooperate with the test, have they consented to the test.  

Try to take the test in a well ventilated room

Perform Hand hygiene

Don appropriate PPE

   Disposable long sleeved gown

   Single use gloves

   N95/P2 respirator

   Eye protection - goggles or visor

Taking the swab 

Stand slightly to the side of the resident, not directly in front of them  

Ask the resident to pull their mask down to just under their nose

Take the swab

Move away when the procedure is completed

Ask the resident to replace their mask over their nose

Place the swab in the sample tube and ensure it is labelled correctly

Remove and dispose of PPE

Perform hand hygiene


Put the swab and lab form together in a specimen bag and place at the collection point or in the sample fridge if transportation to the lab is delayed.

NB: If it is necessary to have a support person to help with collection, they should also be wearing appropriate PPE and stand to the side of the resident.