Preparing For An Outbreak

The IP Lead has the responsibility for creating and implementing the facility’s Outbreak Management Plan.

This plan must be created before it is needed so it is ready to be implemented as soon as an outbreak is suspected because early action is required to prevent and contain any outbreaks.

The Outbreak Management Plan should 

Be documented and available upon request 

Be developed in collaboration with employees, health professionals, service providers and other community organisations, and in consultation with residents and their representatives  

Include a range of actions that can be escalated and de-escalated in response to risk  

Be fit for purpose, practical and able to be activated  

Be specific and detailed enough that any person could pick it up and put it into action  

Be tested with employees and response partners (including key government agencies)  

Be communicated to residents and their representatives 

Be regularly reviewed and updated to account for changes in the local environment and risks to the service  

Be consistent with national guidelines for the prevention, control and public health management of outbreaks in residential care facilities 

Comply with local and national requirements, including in working with the public health unit 


Plan ongoing reviews 

The Outbreak Management Plan must be reviewed and tested regularly, particularly in response to any change in risk at the facility and within the broader community. Testing and running through the plan with all employees involved in its implementation will support the facility to rapidly put it into action in the event of an outbreak.  

Audits should cover all key aspects of outbreak management planning and preparation, including testing organisational processes, employee knowledge and practices, and regulatory compliance. Any new and updated pandemic-related guidance should be considered in the context of the Outbreak Management Plan, with changes made to it communicated to residents, employees and other key response partners, as necessary. 

Evaluation and continuous improvement 

Following an outbreak, the facility’s preparedness and the efficacy of the outbreak management planning needs to be evaluated. Any lessons learned from the evaluation should be incorporated into future planning to enable continuous improvement.